Monday, October 29, 2007

Nicholas' Allergic Reaction

This was interesting! Nicholas, Natalee and I sat down for a bowl of split peas and popcorn for lunch. Nicholas started coughing and wouldn't eat anymore. I thought he may have choked on a popcorn kernel but he was breathing so I got up to get him something to drink. He didn't want it but I made him drink it because he kept coughing. He immediately threw up, which I found kind of strange. So I undressed him and comforted him. I sat him on a chair while I cleaned up the mess and noticed little hives around his lips. I immediately realized he was having am allergic reaction. So I got the benadryl!!! Good thing i had some. I started seeing his lips and face puff- I felt like i was in a movie. Anyway I wrapped him up in a blanket and called the consulting nurse. At this point he was itching and uncomfortable but at least breathing. The consulting nurse was going to have me go to the ER but could see the benadryl was working and he was getting better. Needless to say- he is OK! But is majorly allergic to split peas. (just so you know split peas are a legume-like peanuts- different from the vegetable peas) Anyway we now have an epi pin, in case it happens again because his throat will most likely close up next time and we'll have to call 9-1-1. Here are the photos of our experience.


Rebecca said...

That's scary! Has he had peanuts before? Is he allergic to those as well or just the split peas?

Groverfam said...

No! he is not allergic to peanuts- in fact he could live on Peanut Butter on a spoon. We are having him tested the first part of December for other food related allergies (JIC).

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! I have never heard of that...he looks just like Hitch,poor dude. That would have been terrifying- I hope I figure it out as quickly as you did if that ever happens to me. You know how it gets .."what? you don't want to eat this meal TOO?? Fine, go to your room!" Thats me on a bad day when Im just sick of the kids turning away everything I try to make. Good thing you posted this, it will make me think twice.

Jaime said...

How scary! It sounds like you handled it really well, good for you. Poor Nicholas.

MarleyFamily said...

So fun to see these pictures, we miss you. Elizabeth is grinning from ear to ear to see Nicholas's pictures she misses him, she wants to come over NOW.