Saturday, November 29, 2008

I am thankful for....

It is funny how kids minds are constantly thinking about things that as an adult we take for granted. I have noticed this recently with Nicholas. A few weeks ago I picked up Nicholas from school and while driving home told him that his friends T –n- T were coming to visit. He was thrilled! A few seconds later he pipes up in the backseat… T is not my buddy (pause) she’s my friend…but T is my buddy. T n T are twin boy and girl and it was interesting that Nicholas distinguished between the two of them. They all play so well together but Nicholas has already classified the difference between his “buddy” and his “friend.” Well anyway, time has passed and I hadn’t really thought about it again, except to tell a few people how cute I thought it was and then yesterday he made a comment that really put it all into perspective. We were all sitting around the table for Thanksgiving dinner, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Tradition involves everyone of speaking age to say what they are thankful for, starting with the oldest and ending with the youngest- Nicholas being the youngest. Of course we are all saying things like we are thankful for our family, our homes, our freedom, all the things that are on the forefront of our minds. When we asked Nicholas to say what he was thankful for with no hesitation he piped up, “I am thankful for my buddy, T.” He knows what is important and I have to say, I am thankful for him too, as well as his family. I love that Nicholas has already begun to make good friends that he will remember for his lifetime.


Anonymous said...

He's a great little boy! Nice work on the album page too..wish I could do a few like that! I guess I haven't done it yet tho because I want to be able to print them and I'd need a big fancy printer for that!..and lots and lots of ink. Hmmm..not sure what I want now. So back to your sweet boy..what a compliment to the T's that he would say that!

Ms. Kneisly said...

Yeah, what a compliment to my little T's.

What a sweet boy.

Aw shucks.