Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Mom's birthday!

Mom has been sick with this dreaded flu/cold but we headed over for dinner and celebration anyway. The day was full of sunshine and we spent it outside basking in it and around a bonfire. The dinner was tasty and ice cream was refreshing but the company was the best. Again, lots of pictures, lots of laughing, playing, talking and just plain loving. We even snapped a shot of Gretchen's pregnant belly (fully clothed of course) And I couldn't help snapping some great shots of my niece Alexis, who made my day by giggling out loud as I played hide and seek with her. I can't help but smile at that still.


Melain said...

Awww. SO SWEET! There's nothing as heartwarming as a baby giggle. Don't you wish you still had your baby laugh? Such raw, unabashed pleasure. I love it.

Groverfam said...

i know what you mean- I am reminded of that every time I hear one of my kids really giggle over something so child like. i wonder if as an adult that is possible?

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute little chunky baby!! All the pics are wonderful tho, priceless stuff. Im so glad there are some of us who appreciate capturing a few moments to help us remember when we get so busy with life that we forget.