Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Sunday

I made a point this year to really make sure the kids understand why it is we celebrate Easter. It's not about the Easter Bunny but that its the beginning of new life. Eggs represent the new life that Christ brought about through his infinite atonement and resurrection. He overcame spiritual death due to sin and physical death due to our bodies being immortal. The Savior made it possible so that each and every one, who has ever lived, who lives, who will ever live on this earth will be able to return to live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, as eternal families. We are all one big eternal family, brothers and sisters-Children of our Heavenly Father. Of course, it is up to each and every one to make that choice for themselves. This is why I teach my children so when the time comes they will have the knowledge they need to make an informed choice. I hope and pray that through my example they will come to know the truth for themselves. Anyway- this video is the Easter Festivities. It was a nice day. Our friends, The Baxter's, were able to join us which made it even more fun. Enjoy!


Ms. Kneisly said...

Awesome. Thank you. I'm figuring out how to download it so I can keep it for later. Gosh it was so much fun! I loved every sugar-filled minute.

Mark and Jennifer said...

So cute! I sure chuckled at the little one sitting alone at the table and chomping down his candy!
Cute idea!

Rebecca said...

looks like lots of fun!
a friend of mine has a "spring celebration" on the saturday before easter with all the eggs and the easter bunny and then on sunday they focus on the true meaning of easter. i thought that was a great idea!