Saturday, March 22, 2008


Well I always commenting on how well some people tell of funny things their kids have said and how I have such a difficult time doing that. So, as I sit here today I am here with a purpose- to let you know what a greatful child I have.
So, I am not the best of housekeepers. I try! In fact I am really getting into the groove of things, organizing, purging- I even went through all the kids clothes, books, and closets this week; getting rid of all those items they don't even know they have--Anyway, one of things I really hate to do is vacuum the stairs. Don't ask me why- it is just so -- oh I don't even have the word to describe it. I will vacuum the upstairs, downstairs, all the kids rooms and just leave the stairs. Well today i am in the cleaning mode-not just surface but ---even the stairs! I was in the middle of doing this - feeling pretty good about it-figuring no one even notices it is a mess or that it even got done-when Natalee- bless her heart- stops me and says "Thank you". I looked at her with confusion and asked "What for?" and she responds, "for cleaning the stairs, they were really dirty." Leave it to a child to notice how dirty it was and then thank me for cleaning it up- as if saying, "it's about time!"

1 comment:

Mark and Jennifer said...

Hey, I also hate vacuuming stairs. I love Natalie!